Today's topic for
Armchair BEA week is —
Working the Network.
Write a post highlighting some of your favorite book blogs and bloggers.
Great! I want to tell you about three book bloggers I read regularly.
Poppets ice skating in Mississippi |
Nancy (Bookfoolery and Babble) told us about herself in her
intro for Armchair BEA. I like it that she uses
poppets and kitties to help her do reviews. I confess that it was Bookfool's Fiona Fridays, featuring the kitties, that inspired me to let Kiki write on Caturdays. Nancy also has a blog called
The blog I created for no good reason. I love the way her mind works! And I love the way she works her camera, sprinkling photos all over her blog — top, bottom, and sides, as well as in her posts.
Helen (age 10) in California |
Helen (Helen's Book Blog) is a school librarian who reviews lots of YA novels. You'll want to read her BEA
introduction and see her BEA
giveaway post. (Wait, wait! No, not yet! Come back!) Shucks, I wanted to tell them how much I trust Helen's reviews. Whenever I can, I get the books she recommends because we tend to like the same books. I joined her
Middle East Reading Challenge — you should, too, or at least read some of the
reviews participants have written.
Sheila's coffee cup in Minnesota |
Sheila (Book Journey) isn't doing Armchair BEA because she's in New York enjoying the real thing. This is her second year to attend BookExpo America. Sheila hosts
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? each week, while engaged in activities such as working, traveling, blogging her daily Morning Meanderings, long-distance biking, and writing a prodigious number of book reviews. I don't know how she does it all.

Did you notice these blogger friends are scattered all over the United States? Look at this map, and find Nancy down in Mississippi (
MS), Helen on the left in California (
CA), Sheila up in Minnesota (
MN), and I'm to the right of them all because Chattanooga is in eastern Tennessee (
TN), directly above the state of Georgia (
GA). Oops! I forgot that Sheila is currently attending BEA in New York (
NY), up there on the right. I guess that puts me in the middle — or in a muddle. Whatever! Oh, well, boys and girls, you may now get out your crayons and color in the states, starting with those I've named.
And thus we
work the network which spreads not only to these states, but (in my case) to Utah, Texas, Virginia, Florida, Missouri, Oregon, and more. My network extends to various places in Canada and Australia and (formerly) to the Netherlands.