Sunday, July 9, 2023

More books I've "found" while moving

Ghost in the Garden ~ by Carol H. Behrman, cover art by Jim Spence, 1984, YA fiction, 86 pages

An online reviewer wrote (in 2005):  "Ghost in the Garden was one of the first books I ever had, and was one of the most imaginative stories I had ever read.  Even as a 27-year-old adult, I still think it is is a great story for children, and have been known to pick it up on a rainy afternoon. This is one of the few books I didn't give away to younger friends and family because I knew it would be hard to find another copy."  It is currently so hard to find that the prices online range from $28.00 to $64.00 for this book.  (An interesting coincidence for me is that the book is dedicated to "Bonnie," whoever that was who shared my name.)

Something Worth Leaving Behind
~ by Brett Beavers and Tom Douglas, introduction by Lee Ann Womack, 2002, inspiration, 64 pages

This book, based on a song destined to become a hit, is a gift book of inspiration and encouragement to make a difference in another person's life and to let someone know how much you appreciate the contribution that person has made to your life.  Contains a CD of "Something Worth Leaving Behind" as sung by Lee Ann Womack.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
hosts The Sunday Salon.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

One of the best parts of moving/redoing one's home is discovering books again, I think. Ghost in the Garden looks like a book I might have read when I was a kid. Ghost stories are still very popular with kids.

Harvee said...

I downsized by ignoring the book titles and covers as I packed them in give away boxes. There are a few I looked at and took back.