My first snapshot contribution to this meme is from the many I took in my neighborhood this week, after tornados hit our area.
The yellow house at the other end of this path of destruction was featured here on Thursday. In today's photo, you can see the tree sticking out of the right side of the building. Click on photo to enlarge it.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Kiki ~ read about the silliest cat

I brought this book for Bonnie to photograph, but of course she got the pictures upside down. The artist thinks he has a cat. On that page with nine smaller drawings (like "nine lives"?), he says,
"When my cat's not eating, he's sleeping.But look carefully and notice that "cat" is big and gray and has a trunk! It isn't a cat at all, but it does cat things: eat, sleep, eat, sleep. On the opposite page, the "cat" is chasing a ball of yellow yarn all over the room, even running up the walls and sitting on the piano. Along the bottom of the page, the artist wrote:
When he's not sleeping, he eating.
When he's not eating, he's sleeping."
"In rare instances, my cat devotes several minutes to exercise."

For my other favorite page spread, I got the book turned around before Bonnie snapped the picture. On the left the artist says,
"I've painted many portraits of my cat."That one shows him in Norman Rockwell's pose, and the opposite page shows the elephant ... I mean, the "cat" ... in the style of other artists, like Picasso. Later the artist says he read a book about cats, "but I wasn't able to determine my cat's breed."
That's so funny! But the silliest part (which I won't show you -- no spoilers, you know) is where the huge "cat" is standing in the small litter box, but turds are dropping on the floor outside the box. I'm sure children would like that part best and giggle the way I did.

This is my favorite book ever! I give it a 10 out of 10. I do this in spite of giving some people a hard time, a while back, for calling a possum a cat.
Kiki Cat,
signing off
P.S. The "cat" used his trunk to pick up a scooper and shovel the turds into the litter box because, as the book says, "My cat is clean."
Friday, April 29, 2011
Books for my birthday
Chattanooga: Then and Now ~ by William F. Hull, 2007, history
"Twenty-five years ago, the citizens of Chattanooga met together to plot the future of their city by reinvigorating the town’s origins by the river. Changes since then have refreshed the city and the waterfront, renewing energy in this friendly Southern town. This volume documents the landmarks that remain and the ones that exist only in images and fading memories."The book above is from my daughter Sandra, who knows I'm interested in local history, and the books below are a gift from me to me. I traded in a bunch of used books and got most of these, then went to another bookstore and bought another couple of used books.
"Margaret and Patrick have been married just a few months when they set off on what they hope will be a great adventure-a year living in Kenya. Margaret quickly realizes there is a great deal she doesn't know about the complex mores of her new home, and about her own husband. A British couple invites the newlyweds to join on a climbing expedition to Mount Kenya, and they eagerly agree. But during their harrowing ascent, a horrific accident occurs. In the aftermath of the tragedy, Margaret struggles to understand what happened on the mountain and how these events have transformed her and her marriage, perhaps forever."

This "is a story about an independent woman and her fifteen-year-old son, and the truth she has long concealed from him. Fifteen years ago Vida Avery arrived alone and pregnant at elite Fayer Academy. She has since become a fixture and one of the best teachers Fayer has ever had. By living on campus, on an island off the New England coast, Vida has cocooned herself and her son, Peter, from the outside world and from an inside secret. For years she has lived largely through the books she teaches, but when she accepts the impulsive marriage proposal of ardent widower Tom Belou, the prescribed life Vida has constructed is swiftly dismantled."

This "is a stirring collection of women’s writing on nature: Nature as healer. Nature as delight. Nature as mother and sister. Nature as victim. Nature as companion and reminder of what is wild in us all. Here, among more than a hundred poets and prose writers, are Diane Ackerman on the opium of sunsets; Ursula K. Le Guin envisioning an alternative world in which human beings are not estranged from their planet; and Julia Butterfly Hill on weathering a fierce storm in the redwood tree where she lived for more than two years. Here, too, are poems, essays, stories, and journal entries by Emily Dickinson, Alice Walker, Terry Tempest Williams, Willa Cather, Gretel Erlich, Adrienne Rich, and others — each offering a vivid, eloquent response to the natural world."The Queen of the Big Time ~ by Adriana Trigiani, 2004, fiction (Pennsylvania)
This is "a novel about an Italian family living in Roseto, Pennsylvania. The eldest daughter Nella is ambitious and determined to make a life for herself far away from the rigors of farm and factory life. But then she meets and falls in love with a handsome carefree poet Renato Lanzara, the son of the town restaurateur. When he suddenly disappears without an explanation, rumors about a forced marriage to a girl in another town and criminal activity begin to circulate through the village grapevine. Returning after five years, and a week before Nella's wedding, Renato shakes up not only Nella's life but also the lives of Roseto's townspeople."
"Sarah’s story begins in the cradle of civilization: the Sumerian city-state of Ur, a land of desert heat, towering gardens, and immense wealth. The daughter of a powerful lord, Sarah balks at the marriage her father has planned for her. On her wedding day, she impulsively flees to the vast, empty marshes outside the city walls, where she meets a young man named Abram, son of a tribe of outsiders. Drawn to this exotic stranger, Sarah spends one night with him and reluctantly returns to her father’s house. But on her return, she secretly drinks a poisonous potion that will make her barren and thus unfit for marriage. Many years later, Abram returns to Ur and discovers that the lost, rebellious girl from the marsh has been transformed into a splendid woman — the high priestess of the goddess."
Beginning ~ in a brothel
But first, more neighborhood photos
There is one house between me and these two downed trees, which are in the same yard. I stood between them to take these photos. They fell in different directions, the top one northward, the other eastward. Click to enlarge the images.
After dark last night, I discovered UPS had left a package in a clear bag tied to my front door. Since I'm in the third day of being literally "in the dark" (without power since tornadoes passed through), it was a very frustrating moment -- for a bookaholic. No lights. A new book won from another book blogger. I am using wi-fi at a different Panera, paying for food because what's in my refrigerator has gone bad. Obviously, I can't carry lots of books to write about, so today's Book Beginnings will be from the just-arrived book I haven't even started -- because I happen to have it with me. Here's the beginning of India Black by Carol K. Carr, 2011, mystery:
This meme is hosted by Katy at A Few More Pages. Share the first sentence or two of the book you are reading. Then, share your impressions of that beginning. Click this link to see what others say about the books they are reading this week.
There is one house between me and these two downed trees, which are in the same yard. I stood between them to take these photos. They fell in different directions, the top one northward, the other eastward. Click to enlarge the images.
"My name is India Black. I am a whore."So? I'm not particularly interested in reading about whores, so this doesn't in itself make me want to keep reading. I'm more interested in this from the back cover:
"In the winter of 1876, the beautiful young madam India Black is occupied with her usual tasks -- keeping her tarts in line, avoiding the police, and tolerating the clergyman bent on converting her girls. But when Sir Archibald Latham of the War Office dies from a heart attack while visiting her brothel, India is unexpectedly thrust into a deadly game between Russian and British agents who are seeking the military secrets Latham carried."

Thursday, April 28, 2011
House hit ~ one block from my house
More tomorrow ~ this place with wi-fi is closing in four minutes. I'm safe, just still in the dark. Power out since 9:00 a.m. yesterday, about 38 hours ago. My neighbors in this house are safe, and no one was hurt in the storm. Below is one of their cars, crushed.
Across the street from them, a tree fell across two houses (see the photo below).
Across the street from them, a tree fell across two houses (see the photo below).
Power's out, people have died
Tornado damage in St. Elmo |
"Did have power on 4400 block of Tennessee- but it is out now....looks pretty dark outside everywhere now.....most all of St. Elmo is dark now......Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T"Donna said it was weird driving through St. Elmo before daylight this morning, and "even along the highway," she says, "with no downtown lights." We have come to eat at Panera -- we've had no power and have probably lost everything in our refrigerators.
Gazebo in St. Elmo |
That's the headline of our local newspaper this morning. People died in Trenton, where Emily lives, and in Ringgold -- both are in Georgia, just south of Chattanooga. Donna and I live in the 4600 block of St. Elmo Avenue, about one mile north of Georgia.
Both photos came via the St. Elmo neighborhood listserv.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Weather I like it or not
On the home front = tornado and storm damage
I intended to title this post "On the home front" until I noticed Sheila's "morning meanderings" post was "Weather I like it or not." Hers was so perfect that I had to copy it. Someone says there was a tornado in my neighborhood. About 9:00 this morning, something hit my house, and our power went out. It's still out. This big limb by my fence was probably what hit the house, but look at damage reports coming in via our neighborhood email listserv:
9:17 a.m. "My friend got a text stating that a tornado was spotted in St. Elmo. Does anybody know where? I hope everyone stays safe. Is there a safe place outside our homes to go in St. Elmo? Thanks! Sent from my iPhone""
9:45 a.m. "Anyone have any storm damage to report? I heard there may be a power line and a tree down on Alabama [Avenue]. Also there is a huge tree snapped in half on the other side of the playground fence.
9:52 a.m. "Buncha trees/branches down on Shauff & W54th including what looks to be a couple on houses."
9:59 a.m. "Tree branches smoking on top of electric pole ... I can't get thru to EPB [our power company] and the non-emergency # said they'd send a fire truck to check it out, not fast enough for my liking. If you see an epb truck or fire truck in the n'hood, please give them the address of 4212 or 4210 St. Elmo Ave. And that the electric lines are burning into a pile of branches sitting on top of the lines. It could become an emergency. Thanks"
10:03 a.m. "Two trees down near 46th and Tennessee, no one hurt. Street sign damaged as well. Sent from my iPhone" [Yikes! That's two short blocks from me.]
10:06 a.m. "Hello all....I am at work and wondering how St. Elmo faired the storm....I am in the dark downtown. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T"
10:13 a.m. "If anyone is missing a dog, there is a German Sheppard running loose in the alley of the 4400 block of Tennessee Avenue. I suspect that its fence may have blown down and the dog is taking the opportunity to sightsee around the neighborhood."
10:13 a.m. Here is a link to pics from around the playground. The mulch is the least of our concerns right now. I also heard that Alabama [Avenue] is largely without power and that 3 houses were destroyed. If anyone finds out who the houses belong to, let us know if we can help them! Not all of us are without power." [Note: Earlier listserv writers were discussing the pile of mulch to be spread at the playground, which can be seen in one of the photos.]
10:24 a.m. "How do we find out if the damage in St. Elmo was from a tornado or not? All I know is that I heard a loud rumbling sound and I ran to get my baby out of bed and head for cover. The trees in our front yard were whipping around like crazy, and our crepe myrtle which is almost two stories tall was bent in half. There is a lot of damage in st elmo and lots of trees and power lines down in st elmo and on missionary ridge (per my mom). You can download these pictures directly from picasa online." [She emailed the nearest local TV station.]
10:27 a.m. "We have a tree uprooted in our backyard! Sadly, it took out our tree fort! No power! St. Elmo Ave! Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry" [I also live on St. Elmo Avenue.]
10:42 a.m. "40th west of Tennessee [Avenue is] a mess but also large tree and power out. Blocked both directions."
10:44 a.m. "3 houses disseminated [decimated] on old mtn. rd. by incline tracks...huge trees through roofs and windows."
10:48 a.m. "P House is damaged. The whole area around Everett has damage. Trees down on at least six houses. We're helping the P's move stuff from their damaged top story before the next storm comes. Three houses have severe damage on or right next to Old Mountain Rd. Lines down, one pole snapped and is on my neighbor's vehicle. Worst I've seen in 16 years of living in the neighborhood. Sent from my iPhone" [Next cell of the storm was expected to hit around 2:00 p.m.]
11:03 a.m. "Power pole snapping at 43rd and Tennessee [Avenue], ridge side. Sent from my iPhone" [We live between a 2000-foot mountain and a ridge at its base.]
11:03 a.m. "From channel 12 [television station] ... There was a tornado in your area. Damage extensive."
11:09 a.m. [My daughter, who lives 20-odd miles on the other side of town, phoned to check on me. Schools and daycare centers all over town have closed, and she had picked up her grandaughter Raegan from day care.]
11:09 a.m. "The 4500 block was hit hard. Two houses near ours ... have trees through them. Let's hope that no more happen in the next day as there are more storms headed our way." [Which street? I live in the 4600 block of St. Elmo Avenue.]
11:40 a.m. "W 57th St damage ... A couple of trees have downed power lines here. A huge tree on the other side of the creek behind my house fell and now fills my back yard. It also knocked a couple of my trees down when it fell. Sent from my iPad
11:42 a.m. "There's a tree down [on?] the P House and 2 trees blocking Ochs [Highway, that goes up the mountain], a huge tree across 41st between al. [Alabama Avenue] & st. elmo [Avenue] that took down power lines, 8-10 big trees down all around the intersection of Ochs & Alabama ... If that wasn't a tornado, I'd be very surprised. More is coming.....everybody be safe.
12:09 p.m. "Red Cross number for people needing help ... 265-3455 ... They are opening a shelter at our rec center [recreation center] at 1 pm for anyone who’s home is uninhabitable or anyone not feeling safe in their home right now. Just announced on channel 9 [television]"
12:10 p.m. "Anyone know what the top wire on the telephone poles is? Maybe telephone wires? I have one down on my front porch. I'm on 39th St. behind Mojo [Burrito] and there are lots of trees down. I can't even see down the hill."
12:18 p.m. [My friend Ginnie reached me, as she was checking on our group of friends. We are each okay, though my power's still out. Donna's apartment (also in my gated senior community) is undamaged.]
12:40 p.m. [Email from Ginnie to me: "Emily ok, still waiting to hear from Ellen." Emily lives on the other side of the mountain, with Ginnie atop the mountain on that side.]
1:15 p.m. [Email from Ginnie to me: "Ellen's fine too, but no power." Ellen lives on top of the mountain, almost directly above me.]
1:31 p.m. "Sounds like the hardest hit was up behind the incline. From there the tornado went up Alabama Ave. A tree across from our house is down. Thankfully fell right between four houses that are grouped very closely together. We were home and could hear the whirring sound of the tornado, much louder than just a strong wind. Went up Alabama and sadly knocked down one of the largest trees in the neighborhood just past 44th." [Two blocks from me. Alabama is the street behind my house.]
1:50 p.m. "Florida between 46th-49th didn't fare very well, either - couple of trees on my neighbors' houses, and 47th connecting Florida and Tennessee is blocked with large trees and multiple lines down on both ends. Glad that the large tree that fell in our backyard went AWAY from the houses. I walked up to Seneca where a friend still has power, and there are folks out with chainsaws clearing mid-to-large trees in their yards up here, too, though the damage to the lines seems much less.
1:53 p.m. "The tree across 41st destroyed the gazebo at the little park."
1:55 p.m. "Has anyone any idea when the power will be restored?"
2:00 p.m. "Neighbors: There's a lot of damage around the neighborhood, but thankfully many of the downed trees missed homes. If you or your friends are one of the unfortunate ones to have some home damage, call [a St. Elmo company]."
2:01 p.m. "Photos from the neighborhood ... I mostly got blocked roads--photos of the trees. I believe I made this link open to everyone. This is very upsetting. I hope that we are going to be able to help each other who have no electric or no roof! Let us know how we can help you (or me, maybe after 5pm today). Maybe the tree over the electric lines will catch fire and I'll be posting something too.
2:45 p.m. The storm returned.I used food to entice Kiki into the bathroom, where I had candles, water, her bed on the floor, and other things I hoped we wouldn't need. The storm lasted fifteen minutes, but I stayed put. It started again a few minutes later, lasting only seven or eight minutes that time. Kiki was afraid to let me pick her up, just in case it was a sneaky way to take her to the vet or something. Finally we came out, and I left with my laptop for a cafe in Georgia that had power as well as free wi-fi. I had already used up all battery power. Here's what I saw at Donna's corner (that's one of her windows next to the side door).
What a great neighborhood I have! How did we manage before this kind of connection?
[I had to post this because the storm has arrived here, where I found wi-fi in Georgia. My son just called three minutes ago, to tell me the television reports that the storm will hit St. Elmo in three minutes. It did!]
Library Loot ~ for me and for Kiki ~ April 27 - May 3
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! : Voices from a Medieval Village ~ by Laura Amy Schlitz, 2007, children's, 10/10
(I really like this one and recommend it for adults, as well.)
Raining Cats and Dogs ~ by Jane Yolen, 1993, children's
(Already reviewed by Kiki on Saturday -- I mean, Caturday, the 23rd.)
My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World ~ by Gilles Bachelet, 2006, children's
(Kiki plans to review this cat book on Caturday, the 30th.)
The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems ~ by Billy Collins, 2005, poetry
(I wrote a teaser about this one, but I have more to say about it later.)
Islam: Opposing Viewpoints ~ edited by William Dudley, YA religion, 2004
Presents opposing viewpoints on the role of religion in Islamic countries (203 pages).
Same title for this older one, but different content and length (311 pages).
Library Loot is a weekly meme co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. Claire has the Mister Linky this week, if you'd like to share a list of the loot you brought home.
(I really like this one and recommend it for adults, as well.)
Raining Cats and Dogs ~ by Jane Yolen, 1993, children's
(Already reviewed by Kiki on Saturday -- I mean, Caturday, the 23rd.)
My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World ~ by Gilles Bachelet, 2006, children's
(Kiki plans to review this cat book on Caturday, the 30th.)
The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems ~ by Billy Collins, 2005, poetry
(I wrote a teaser about this one, but I have more to say about it later.)
Islam: Opposing Viewpoints ~ edited by William Dudley, YA religion, 2004
Presents opposing viewpoints on the role of religion in Islamic countries (203 pages).
Chapter 1 : Are the Values of Islam and the West in Conflict?Islam: Opposing Viewpoints ~ edited by Paul A. Winters, religion, 1995
Chapter 2 : Does Islam Promote Terrorism and Violence?
Chapter 3 : What Is the Status of Women Under Islam?
Chapter 4 : How Will Islam's Future Be Shaped?
Same title for this older one, but different content and length (311 pages).
Chapter 1 : What Is the Goal of Political Islam?
Chapter 2 : What Is the Status of Women Under Islam?
Chapter 3 : Can Democracy Coexist with Islam?
Chapter 4 : Does Political Islam Promote Terrorism?
Chapter 5 : Is the Islamic World a Threat to the West?
Chapter 6 : Is Islam Uniting the Islamic World?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
"The Lanyard" by Billy Collins ~ teaser

"The Lanyard" seemed to be a consensus favorite when the group met for lunch. For me, finishing the poem resulted in a gasp for air, so poignant are the final words.I, of course, went looking for that poem, which I found on his web site. I want to share it with you, along with photos I found in my memory and by googling until I found what I had visualized.
The LanyardSince reading Alison's post, I have picked up the book from my library, so now I can tell you this poem is on pages 45-46 of The Trouble with Poetry by Billy Collins, 2005. I'm thinking of my mom as I write this. She was very busy becoming a mother on this day, 71 years ago. It's a debt I could never repay.
by Billy Collins
The other day I was ricocheting slowly
off the blue walls of this room,
moving as if underwater from typewriter to piano,
from bookshelf to an envelope lying on the floor,
when I found myself in the L section of the dictionary
where my eyes fell upon the word lanyard.
No cookie nibbled by a French novelist
could send one into the past more suddenly—
a past where I sat at a workbench at a camp
by a deep Adirondack lake
learning how to braid long thin plastic strips
into a lanyard, a gift for my mother.
I had never seen anyone use a lanyard
or wear one, if that’s what you did with them,
but that did not keep me from crossing
strand over strand again and again
until I had made a boxy
red and white lanyard for my mother.
She gave me life and milk from her breasts,
and I gave her a lanyard.
She nursed me in many a sick room,
lifted spoons of medicine to my lips,
laid cold face-cloths on my forehead,
and then led me out into the airy light
and taught me to walk and swim,
and I, in turn, presented her with a lanyard.
Here are thousands of meals, she said,
and here is clothing and a good education.
And here is your lanyard, I replied,
which I made with a little help from a counselor.
Here is a breathing body and a beating heart,
strong legs, bones and teeth,
and two clear eyes to read the world, she whispered,
and here, I said, is the lanyard I made at camp.
And here, I wish to say to her now,
is a smaller gift—not the worn truth
that you can never repay your mother,
but the rueful admission that when she took
the two-tone lanyard from my hand,
I was as sure as a boy could be
that this useless, worthless thing I wove
out of boredom would be enough to make us even.
(And now I have a cat who is "as sure as a cat can be" that meowing a happy birthday song not only makes us even, but entitles her to treats. Thank you for the song, Kiki.)
Surprise! ~ from Kiki

Meow-meow mew-meow mew mew,
Meow-meow mew-meow mew mew,
Meow-meow mew-meow, my myoowww,
Meow-meow mew-meow mew mew.
Love from,
meow-meow ... happy
mew-meow ..... birthday
mew mew ........ to you
my ................... dear
myoowww ....... Bonnie
There's another birthday girl, and I hope this reminds her of treats. My treats.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday ~ books, of course
Books read last week
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It's "where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list."
- Whale Rider ~ by Witi Tame Ihimaera, 2003, YA fiction (New Zealand), 9/10
- Winter's Bone ~ by Daniel Woodrell, 2006, fiction (Missouri Ozarks), 8/10
- My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World ~ by Gilles Bachelet, 2004, children's, 10/10
- Raining Cats and Dogs ~ by Jane Yolen, 1993, children's, 7/10
- The Shell Woman and the King: A Chinese Folktale ~ by Laurence Yep, 1993, children's, 9/10
- Six Months to Live ~ by Lurlene McDaniel, 1985, YA fiction (Ohio), 8/10
- Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! : Voices from a Medieval Village ~ by Laura Amy Schlitz, 2007, children's (England), 10/10
- The White Darkness ~ by Geraldine McCaughrean, 2005, YA fiction (Antarctica), 8/10
- Domestic Pleasures ~ by Beth Gutcheon, 1991, fiction (New York)
- The Rest of Us: Dispatches from the Mother Ship ~ by Jacquelyn Mitchard, 1997, essays
- The Pillars of the Earth ~ by Ken Follett, 1989, fiction (England)

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Library Lust ~ pair
Did two designers just happen to come up with the same concept? Or did one copy the other? I have no idea.
This would certainly curtail my habit of laying books atop the rows of books on my (straight) shelves, but I think I'd quickly become frustrated by wanting to "order" them in some manner or another.
Both photos are from 20 Cool Home Library Design Ideas.
This would certainly curtail my habit of laying books atop the rows of books on my (straight) shelves, but I think I'd quickly become frustrated by wanting to "order" them in some manner or another.
Both photos are from 20 Cool Home Library Design Ideas.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Teaser ~ from Antarctica
I've already posted the beginning of The White Darkness by Geraldine McCaughrean (2005). Now I've read to page 67, where I found a teaser I want to share. The characters are arriving in Antarctica, where these Adelie penguins live. Symone, the 14-year-old narrator, thinks:
"By traveling west on the way here, we gained the best part of a day. Does that mean that by the time noon gets to England, it will be secondhand really, covered in our footmarks and fingerprints?"I like the way this quirky English girl thinks. What a concept, to think of a day that's already covered with footmarks and fingerprints!
Kiki Caturday ~ raining cats and dogs

"Alley Cat Speaks"This one made me think of two books. The first is T. S. Eliot's book called Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (1939), and the other is May Sarton's The Fur Person (1957), that Bonnie wrote about, here. That's what Bonnie calls me, a fur person, even though I'm a lady cat, not a gentleman cat.
I'm an alley cat,
an oily cat,
an only cat,
a hermit. ...
I can steal a little,
stretch a little,
stalk a little
Than your ordinary,
every dairy,
any wary
And there's not a butcher's
farmer's pet
who can say that!

The other poem is from the dog half of the book, and it's sad. The illustration shows a cat looking out a rainy window at a dog tied to a tree. Why are people so mean?
"It's Not Fair"No, it isn't. Beyond that, I have nothing further to say.
A cat can scratch,
A mouse can squeal,
And babies eat
A messy meal.
A bird can miss
Its paper lining
Kids can spend
An hour whining.
But do you put them
On a chain
Outside in sleet
Or snow or rain?
No! Only dogs
Are banished there.
It really isn't
Very fair!
Kiki Cat,
signing off
P.S. I rate this book at 7/10.
Kiki Caturday ~ a wet cat and me

Some of you know that I hate water. I can hardly imagine what it must have been like for this poor cat, having to dog paddle. DOG paddle! Some kind folks fished her out of the water. Read all about it here.
In other news ~ at our house

Kiki Cat,
signing off
Friday, April 22, 2011
Earth Day 2011
When I think about Earth Day, I think of trees. So today I want to share a few tree quotes that I like.
To read my review of Dr. Seuss's The Lorax, click here.
To read about a bookish tree, click here.
To read some of my previous Earth day posts, click here.
"If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen."
— Henry David Thoreau
"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago — the next best time is now."
— Chinese Proverb
"The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in their way."
— William Blake
![]() |
Coolidge Park in Chattanooga |
"Trees are your best antiques." — Alexander Smith
"Happiness is sharing a bowl of cherries and a book of poetry with a shade tree. He doesn't eat much and doesn't read much, but listens well and is a most gracious host."
— Astrid Alauda
"Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them."
— Bill Vaughn
To read my review of Dr. Seuss's The Lorax, click here.
To read about a bookish tree, click here.
To read some of my previous Earth day posts, click here.
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