Friday, December 2, 2022

Beginning ~ with a letter


The letter to Isabel Gibson arrived on a Tuesday, which had always been the unluckiest day of the week.  Tuesdays were meant for accidents, disappoint-ments, and bad news.

The Bookstore Sisters: A Short Story ~ by Alice Hoffman, 2022, fiction (Maine), 36 pages, 10/10

Isabel Gibson has all but perfected the art of forgetting.  She’s a New Yorker now, with nothing left to tie her to Brinkley’s Island, Maine.  Her parents are gone, the family bookstore is all but bankrupt, and her sister, Sophie, will probably never speak to her again.  But when a mysterious letter arrives in her mailbox, Isabel feels herself drawn to the past.  After years of fighting for her independence, she dreads the thought of going back to the island.  What she finds there may forever alter her path — and change everything she thought she knew about her family, her home, and herself.

Favorite passages from this short book

  • Lupines are mentioned three times (pages 5 and 31).  I smiled each time, remembering that Miss Rumphius, the main character in a children's book by the same name, went around scattering lupine seeds.  See them on that book cover?  Click the title to read about Miss Rumphius.
  • I loved that the name of the bookstore in the book is the Once Upon a Time Bookshop (p. 5).
  • I agree with the character who realized too late that "words that have been said cannot be unspoken" (p. 10).
  • I loved the names of their "mother's most beloved baked goods" (pages 23 and 29):  Never Get Lost Oatmeal Cookies, Orange You Glad Cake, Sin No More Cinnamon Rolls, Fall in Love Fruitcake, and I Must Be in Heaven Chocolate Brownies.
Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts
Book Beginnings on Fridays.

1 comment:

Kym said...

Looks like an interesting story - perhaps one for my TBR list. Happy Reading!