Tuesday, January 9, 2018

TWOsday ~ exercise tips

My friend Donna on the treadmill recently
This seems like a good day for a new focus, using these tips for my exercise routine:
  1. "Embrace the unfamiliar" is #13 on an exercise list I discovered.
  2. "Learn something new" is the goal for the 11th day of happiness.
Joy's Book Blog

It's time for me to start using the treadmill in our fitness center.  My idea of walking has always been out in the neighborhood, but it's been bitter cold in St. Louis lately.  It has warmed up to above freezing, but that's still cold.  I guess I'll just need to get used to the idea of walking without going anywhere, with better health as my destination.


Joy said...

With all the technology, can you find something interesting to do while on the treadmill? Listen to, or even watch, a show on your phone or tablet?

I'm hoping to get out for a walk today since it's supposed to be relatively warm. Even warmer tomorrow, but it looks like it may rain all day. Then we'll be back to cold!

Bonnie Jacobs said...

So I went downstairs to exercise today, and the treadmill has a sign saying "Out of Order." I asked Melissa about it, and she says a part has been ordered and it should be usable within a couple of days.

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Joy, I only just now discovered your comment. I can always meditate on the treadmill, so I'll do okay. I'm glad to see you feel well enough to be out and about today.

Helen's Book Blog said...

Treadmills do seem silly when the outdoors is so available, but mid-winter they are a great idea!