I'll tie it all together by telling the story of a group of book bloggers being challenged to read books related to women's studies, defined as "the multidisciplinary study of the social status and societal contributions of women and the relationship between power and gender." And I want to ask questions of some who participated. Were you one of us? What do you think of these questions? Are there other questions I should ask?
1. What book (or two or three) really stood out for you? Why?
2. Did you learn something new? What was it? Was it from a book or from another blogger?
3. If you are one who said in the beginning that "women are our own worst enemies," did you still think so by the end of the year?
4. Did you make great strides in consciousness or understanding?
5. Were you more interested in fiction or nonfiction?
6. Did the features [guest bloggers, etc.] enhance your learning or enjoyment?
7. Tell me something about yourself, like your age and how much you knew about women's issues before you took part in this challenge.

You may email your answers to me ... emerging DOT paradigm AT yahoo DOT com ... if you don't want to put them in a comment. I am also quite willing to leave out your name or any identifying remarks, if you prefer.
This is my 105th post related to this challenge.
What a wonderful idea for a book! And WOW, you did a fantastic job reading! I've got to go back through the year and take note of my selections aimed at our challenge and then I'll be back. Your questions are really thought provoking.
Great book idea. I did participate and LOVED this challenge! Here are my answers:
1. Books that stood out: Monique and the Mango Rains: A year with a midwife in Malawi by Kris Holloway; The Help by Kathryn Stockett; and The Blue Notebook by James Levine
2. I didn't necessarily learn anything new in a general sense since I have always been interested in women's studies. I learned specifics in each book I read, particularly the non-fiction
3. Wow. Great question. I do think we're our own worst enemy a lot of the time. We belittle each other, don't stand up for each other when we should, and get jealous of other women's successes. That sounds so negative. I also think that when we band together to fight for a cause we're an amazing force to be reckoned with. I wonder if this is just a western issue and that in other countries women do better by each other? Probably not
4. As I said above, I have done a lot of reading about and by women so no major breakthroughs
5. I would have said I liked fiction better, but of the 25 books I counted for this challenge 15 were non-fiction. So, I'll go with preferring non-fiction for this topic
6. I'll confess that I didn't read a lot of the guest blogger articles. But, now I am going to go back and read them!
7. I am 45 and had taken a couple women's studies courses in college, done some reading on my own, worked at Planned Parenthood as a volunteer, and was a member of our County's Council on Women's Issues
Thank you, Helen. These are great answers and very helpful. When you read something fascinating in the features, be sure to tell our hosts that I sent you. LOL.
Bonnie, what a fascinating idea for a book! I loved this challenge. Just discovered this post from the wrap-up link, but I will give the questions some more thought (fodder for a post!)
Melissa, I'll be sure to interview you for the book, starting with questions like these -- or whatever you come up with in the post these questions inspire.
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