Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bugs, witches, and black cats

I saw a shieldbug stumbling around on the sidewalk when I was out for a walk.  It seemed to be hurt, so I bent down to watch it.  When it noticed me, it turned in my direction like it was asking for assistance, even trying to touch a wheel of my Rollator.  I carefully backed away and said I was sorry, but I didn't know how.  I have never before had a bug plainly beg me for help, but it seemed to know that I wouldn't hurt it.  Using the photos I took, I was able to identify it online.

That bug has wings and could fly, so that made me think of other flying things.  Since it's almost Halloween, how about a witch flying on a broom with a black cat?  (That cat reminds me of Clawdia, of course.)  That means today's thoughts are about bugs and witches and cats.  Specifically, black cats.  And my next-door neighbor has a broom like that picture among the decorations outside her door.  Another neighbor has a witch on a broomstick and other stuff on her door, too.  (I'll show you what they've done if and when I can ever get my photos on here.)

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