Sunday, October 13, 2024

A book about the founding of Israel

Testament at the Creation of the State of Israel ~ by Aaron Levin with introduction by Shimon Peres, 1988, photojournalism, 192 pages

Look at the faces.  Listen to the words.  These are people who helped form the state of Israel.  Shalom Masswari speaks nonchalantly of self-induced starvation, undertaken to make himself small enough to be smuggled out of prison in a suitcase.  Zelig Gonen stands beside the bicycle he used to traffic a basket of Molotov cocktails across an Arab war zone.  Eliahu Shavit crouches above the Jerusalem sewer holes he once crawled through as a saboteur, planting bombs.  Munio Brandwein gazes at the olive trees he planted where three friends lost their lives.

American photographer and journalist Aaron Levin heralds the men and women behind the founding of Israel on its 50th anniversary.  The essays that accompany each portrait tell of the extraordinary events that transformed everyday lives.

My friend was reading this book and showed me a black-and-white photo of a woman bending down to let a black cat sniff her hand, saying that one reminded her of Clawdia.  Oh, yes, it really does.  The other photo shows Clawdia gazing out her favorite window.

Do you remember I told you that people are sharing books with me that they enjoyed?  My friend handed me this book because she owns it and wanted me to read it, since I showed an interest.  Yes, I have it in hand right now and have started reading it already.

Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

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