Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Word of the Day ~ technology

The technology I'm thinking about right now is my phone.  Yesterday evening, I noticed a voicemail from my friend Joan in Montana, so I listened to it.  I heard her voice and "call me."  Even stranger, there was no indication in "Recent" that I'd had any call at all.  So I called her.  Well, I mean, I tried to call her, but didn't get through to her.  So I tried to listen to the message again, and it wasn't there!  You may be thinking, "Oh, she probably butt-dialed it and then erased it."  I mean, she must have deleted it remotely.  But my phone still shows that I got a voicemail from her.  And I noticed the call hours after I supposedly received it (without ever hearing any ring).  None of this makes any sense to me.

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