Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Two things to do

I have two things on my To-Do list today:
  1. Take the Crown Center bus to go grocery shopping at 1:00 pm.  (We had to use the van because the bus was needing some repairs, which meant TWO trips there and TWO trips home to accommodate all of us.)
  2. Mocktails on Tallin Green in mid-afternoon.  (This was moved inside the Café because of the heat advisory in St. Louis.)


Jinjer-The Intrepid Angeleno said...

Ohhhhh the Crown Center has its own bus!!!! How cool is that??? Is it just to go shopping or does it take you to other errands as well? Since I'm a single, childless lady, and see how helpless my 95-yo mother is, I sometimes wonder what the heck will *I* do when I'm older and can't drive myself to do errands and stuff. I definitely need to live somewhere that I can walk or take public transportation, or else get myself in a place like the Crown Center that has its own bus!

Mocktails sound nice. Too bad it was too hot to be on the green. I'm just a few hours south of you in Arkansas so I know the heat you're experiencing today cuz we have it too. LOL

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Jinger, some of the residents at the Crown Center still drive. I no longer have a car, so I either walk to the grocery store (a block or so away) or ride the bus or ride with a friend. On alternate weeks, the bus goes to a different store, one that is quite a bit farther away. Our bus takes us to all sorts of scheduled activities, but not since Covid-19. Just the grocery stores. As it turned out, the bus was having problems, so our driver took us in the Crown Center van even though he had to make two trips there and two trips back home an hour or so later. Go here to see a photo on this blog of our Crown Center van: