Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Words ~ are any of these new for you?

hoe·down /ˈhōˌdoun / noun North American = a social gathering at which lively folk dancing takes place.  Similar to party, shindig, hootenanny, bash, jamboree, barn dance, fête, celebration.  Example:  "Am I too old to join my friends for a hoedown?"

shin·dig /ˈSHinˌdiɡ / noun INFORMAL = a large, lively party, especially one celebrating something.  Example:  "I always have lots of fun at any shindig she sponsors."
hoot·en·an·ny /ˈho͞otnˌanē / noun INFORMAL in United States = an informal gathering with folk music and sometimes dancing.  Example:  "We invited friends to a hootenanny in our neighborhood."

cat·​ty·​wam·​pus / variant spelling of CATAWAMPUS = cat·​a·​wam·​pus / adjective = askew, awry, cater-cornered.  Example:  "His face went all cattywampus because he was still confused."

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