Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mascot for 2020

Here's the official mascot of 2020.  Why a racoon?  Because he washes his hands a lot and always wears a mask.  Best reason?  Rearrange the letters in RACOON, and we get the word CORONA.  Surprise, surprise!

Many thanks to this raccoon for a hand washing tutorial (click the link).  Here are the proper steps:
  1. Wet hands with water.
  2. Rub hands with soap.
  3. Scrub for 20 seconds.
  4. Rinse with water.


Helen's Book Blog said...

We saw a raccoon on the sidewalk in the middle of the day yesterday! He stopped, looked at us, then sauntered away. Crazy to have a day time sighting.

Bonnie Jacobs said...

I notice you spell it with two Cs, as I usually do. However, it wouldn't work in this post to flip it around to "corona." Just so you know, either spelling is apparently correct. My source said, "...sometimes spelled racoon."