Saturday, April 6, 2013

Name this book

This is the cover of a famous award-winning children's book.  Do you recognize it?  Can you name it?


Wendy said...

Best. Book. Ever. "It was a dark and stormy night..."

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Ah, yes, that was the book's opening. It's also how Snoopy always starts that novel he is perpetually writing, using that typewriter balanced atop his doghouse. Now who wants to chime in with the book's title? Or author? Notice those three ... ah ... persons on the left side of the picture. Can anyone name them?

Helen's Book Blog said...

I am going to be so embarrassed when I see what the title is because I don't know it!

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Helen, does it help if I tell you the illustrations on the left are Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Who, and Mrs. Which?