Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Aww, shucks! Pumpernickles has closed

I just read in the Jewish Light that Pumpernickles on Olive Blvd. has permanently closed.  It was one of my favorite places to eat.  You know, back in those olden days before the pandemic.  They served kosher food.  Pumpernickles' website, which may not be there much longer, calls it "the place to meet, eat, and kibitz."

Word of the Day #1

kib·itz /ˈkibits / verb
speak informally; chat.  This word came into English from Yiddish.  Example:  "Sarah loves to kibitz with her friends."
Word of the Day #2

ko·sher /ˈkōSHər / adjective 
  1. said of food, or premises in which food is sold, cooked, or eaten; satisfying the requirements of Jewish law.  Example:  "She keeps a kosher kitchen."
  2. informal = genuine and legitimate.  Example:  "He consulted lawyers to make sure everything was kosher."

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