Just finished
1. Traveling with Pomegranates: A Mother-Daughter Story ~ by Sue Monk Kidd and Ann Kidd Taylor, 2009, memoir (Greece, Turkey, South Carolina, France), 9/10
Currently ReadingI hurried to finish this one so I could come up with questions for our discussion on Book Buddies. We talk about our books as we read, so my questions are divided by sections. The book buddies are just now getting their books, so you have plenty of time to join us.
2. Saving Jesus from the Church: How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus ~ by Robin R. Meyers, 2009, religion
Next UpSome people in my own family are trying very hard to convince me I should be as anti-gay as they are. It's sad that one spent over three weeks drawing up thirteen points to show why my thinking is mistaken. What a colossal waste of time, stewing about something like that. It makes me tired just thinking about how in the world to respond. It did propel me across town this morning to worship with an inclusive church where I got hugs from dozens of my friends and acquaintances who are gay and lesbian, black and white, children and the elderly. Members of that church love and care for each other. What Jesus taught was compassion for everyone, including those on the edges of society — widows and orphans and outcasts like lepers and prostitutes — and never once did he say anything about homosexuals. He did, however, express some opinions about legalistic religious people.
3. The Happy Room ~ by Catherine Palmer, 2002, fiction
I first heard about this book in 2007, when I jointed Something About Me, my first-ever reading challenge. I chose to read a half dozen books suggested by other book bloggers, but being an over-achiever, I added another six books as alternates. Twiga chose this book to represent who she is, saying:Drawn together by their sister's tragic illness, each of the Mossman siblings must face the truth of their past, as they reminisce about both good and bad memories of their childhood in Africa.
This book is the story of adult missionary kids with flashbacks of their lives growing up in Africa. As a missionary kid myself, this book really resonated. It gives a great perspective of some challenges that missionary kids face.
Armchair BEA starts tomorrow, and I'll have a post up first thing that tells you a few things about me. The planners of this event call it Introductions First and will have a Mister Linky showing you all the book bloggers you can meet. One of them will be me.
Visit the Sunday Salon's Facebook page for links to more posts.
Good luck with the Book Buddies! I'll bet it's an interesting book
I am eager to read Traveling with Pomegranates...hope you're enjoying it.
I'll be participating in Armchair BEA, too.
It's so good to hear a loving, inclusive Christian point of view. I live in NC where the Amendment One hoopla recently has worn me down with the rampant vitriol.
Thank you, Amy. Me, too.
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