Monday, August 7, 2023

Would it have been a novel or a short story?

This sentence is from the second paragraph of the story I mentioned yesterday HERE:
"I've become a scatterbrained old lady."
The four single-spaced pages are a draft of a story I was writing about what it's like to be old.  I named it "Lilli's Letter."  On the third page I wrote:
"Nothing is for always and forever, Lilli thought.  Change is the only constant there is, so maybe I should think of my life in terms of liminality, of always being on the threshold of something else, something different and not necessarily what I would want."
Word of the Day

lim·i·nal / adjective
1.  occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.  Example:  "I was in the liminal space between past and present."
2.  relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.  Example:  "That liminal period is when a child is old enough to begin following basic rules, but is still too young to do so consistently."

I also wrote about the word "liminal" last year, HERE.  Hmm, last Saturday (HERE) I also wrote about wearing purple as an old lady.  Maybe I'm feeling my 83-year-old age?

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