I had not yet developed any particular format for reviewing books and, for that matter, I'm not sure I'd call what I wrote a review exactly. But I asked (and answered) a lot of questions while doing it. Stephanie and Marg and Margreet showed up and, being the nice people they are, each of them answered my questions and helped me get over the hump of starting a blog. And Chris, didn't you have a blog back then?
Anyway, some of you are new readers and haven't seen that earliest post. Wouldn't you like to check it out and compare THEN and NOW ... and maybe leave me a comment HERE or THERE?
Do you remember any particular thing I have blogged about during my first year? It can be anything from ANY of my numerous blogs, whatever was memorable.

You know how some people just seem to be in love with life? Bonnie makes my day by being one of those people. Just by being herself, she reminds me to be delighted by the small joys we all run into every day.With those words she bestowed upon me the You Make My Day Award. Thanks, Dewey! And now I get to pass it on to these folks who make my day:
1. Nancy makes my day as a Bookfool writing about books ... AND ... as a photographer with a sense of humor. Not only is she a great nature photographer, but she has employed a growing troupe of poppets who pose while exploring their world from a low-down point of view. Nancy makes me laugh.
2. Colleen makes my day with her wicked sense of appropriate labeling of seemingly random photographs, like these and these. Colleen makes me curious about what she'll say next.
3. Jenn makes my day because she's eclectic and has broadened out from her original blog to a photography blog with Alison and a writing blog with 14 others. Jenn inspires me.
4. Vanilla makes my day because she writes well, makes beautiful art from her photographs, and dreamed up a quirky Atyllah the Hen; we met because her lion (#5) and mine (#30) were already friends. Vanilla intrigues me.
5. Tricia makes my day because she ties together books and poetry and teaching science, but most of all because she too loves Miss Rumphius! Tricia makes me notice all things mathematical and scientific that tie in with teaching children.
6. Seamus makes my day because he is so creative and because he founded the Shameless Lions Writing Circle with its current project of writing a collective short story. Seamus makes me smile.
UPDATE: Kailana of Kailana's Written Word has just made my day ... again! Thanks, Kailana. Because I have spent too much of today handing out awards to wonderful blogs (which included the ones listed in this post), I don't think I'll award any more of these today. Should I show you the award all over again? Nah, please scroll up a notch or two and look at the one already in this post. Cheers!