Monday, January 13, 2025

Musing about a local cemetery

Movers and Shakers, Scalawags and Suffragettes: Tales from Bellefontaine Cemetery ~ by Carol Ferring Shepley, 2008, history (Missouri), 384 pages

The history of Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis is told through the stories of those who are buried there.  The book is organized into sections:
  1. Movers and Shakers
  2. Scalawags and Nortorious Women
  3. Suffragettes
  4. Fur Traders
  5. Civil War Patriots
  6. Captains of Industry
  7. Professionals
  8. Titans of Transportation
  9. Artists and Architects
  10. Men of Sports
  11. Phulanthropists
  12. Cemetery Lore
  13. Art and Architecture of Note
Besides being a history of a significant place, this book is a guidebook to St. Louis and its notable residents.  Because so many of St. Louis’s leading citizens (such as William Clark, James Buchanan Eads, Susan Blow, and Adolphus Busch) are buried in Bellefontaine, the book is a tale of the city.

1 comment:

Helen's Book Blog said...

What a clever way to tell the history of a city. I do love a good cemetery and the things you can learn about a place through it.