Monday, January 6, 2025

Star words for a new year

Some people choose a word for the New Year, something to consider each day all year long.  Here are some examples:
Attentiveness, Authenticity, Awareness, Becoming, Breakthroughs, Capacity, Catalyst, Connection, Continue, Courage, Creativity, Cultivate, Dedication, Depth, Development, Discovery, Emergence, Endeavor, Enriching, Enthusiasm, Flourishing, Gentleness, Growth, Harmonizing, Imagination, Journeying, Learning, Nurturing, Observation, Open-heartedness, Potential, Possibility, Preparation, Process, Readiness, Reimagining, Reflection, Renewal, Transformation, Wonderment.
Some people even choose three words to represent their aspirations for the New Year, like these two illustrations I found online.  
The words are often alliterative, meaning they start with the same letter.  Here are some examples:
  • Compassion, Courage, and Curiosity
  • Purpose, Passion, and Pluralism
  • Gratitude, Graciousness, and Generosity
To choose a word for the New Year, you can:
  1. Create a list of words (or use those above that I shared).
  2. Select the word that resonates the most with you.
  3. Try it out, and make adjustments if needed.
  4. Display the word somewhere visible, to remind you each day.

1 comment:

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Someone asked, "So what's YOUR word, Bonnie?" I decided to focus on gratitude. It's the second star on the second line in the illustration. I hope to stay grateful even in what may seem like a bad situation. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but maybe I am. LOL.