Monday, January 6, 2025

Star words for a new year

Some people choose a word for the New Year, something to consider each day all year long.  Here are some examples:
Attentiveness, Authenticity, Awareness, Becoming, Breakthroughs, Capacity, Catalyst, Connection, Continue, Courage, Creativity, Cultivate, Dedication, Depth, Development, Discovery, Emergence, Endeavor, Enriching, Enthusiasm, Flourishing, Gentleness, Growth, Harmonizing, Imagination, Journeying, Learning, Nurturing, Observation, Open-heartedness, Potential, Possibility, Preparation, Process, Readiness, Reimagining, Reflection, Renewal, Transformation, Wonderment.
Some people even choose three words to represent their aspirations for the New Year, like these two illustrations I found online.  
The words are often alliterative, meaning they start with the same letter.  Here are some examples:
  • Compassion, Courage, and Curiosity
  • Purpose, Passion, and Pluralism
  • Gratitude, Graciousness, and Generosity
To choose a word for the New Year, you can:
  1. Create a list of words (or use those above that I shared).
  2. Select the word that resonates the most with you.
  3. Try it out, and make adjustments if needed.
  4. Display the word somewhere visible, to remind you each day.


Bonnie Jacobs said...

Someone asked, "So what's YOUR word, Bonnie?" I decided to focus on gratitude. It's the second star on the second line in the illustration. I hope to stay grateful even in what may seem like a bad situation. Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but maybe I am. LOL.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I like to focus on one word. Like you, I want to use my word even when I am in a bad situation. I'm doing Love.