Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thinking about piles of snow

These piles of snow from our recent snow storm that were pushed into huge piles in the parking lot by the snow plow are beginning to melt, but they have only shrunk a little bit.  People are still having to use shovels to get out of their spots.

This afternoon, I walked across the street to Walgreen's and literally couldn't see to get home across the street.  Okay, I was going west, toward the setting sun, but even using my clip-on sunglasses, I was having trouble and needed to hold my hand up to shade my face, like the brim of a baseball cap.  Next time, if I go around that time of day, I'll wear a cap with a brim!

Hmm, I just noticed that photo above was taken after sunset, so it doesn't look like the blinding snow I faced today.  Gotta go now and comb my hair before going downstairs for our Resident Council meeting.

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