When I first mentioned to acquaintances in one of my online groups that I was thinking of writing a book, my friend Erin B. jokingly stated, "Please call your book 'My Black Friend,' so every white person can say, 'well, my black friend says...' and sound progressive."
My Black Friend Says...: Lessons in Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competency ~ by Heather S. Fleming, 2019, racism, 154 pages
This is written as a series of short essays with pauses for reflection and journaling. It explores the issue of race from a position of knowledge to give readers the ability to tackle race issues. It teaches readers about the ways in which we develop biases, how to tackle those biases and associated emotions, and how to move forward without shame or fear.
Each essay addresses an individual issue related to inclusion and diversity in our society. The combined knowledge allows us to see the nuances of racism, discrimination, and advocacy in America. With an appendix of suggested reading materials, study topics, and terms to know, this book provides all you need to begin your journey towards being a catalyst for change.
Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts
I wonder if Joy knows about this book. I think I will leave her a link to your post about it. I think Joy belongs to a book group that reads books with this emphasis.
I am adding this to my wish list right now. It sounds like a must read. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Bonnie. Have a great weekend!
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