Sunday, January 19, 2025

Another book from our Crown Center library

First Snow in the Woods: A Photographic Fantasy
~ by Carl R. Sams and Jean Stoick, 2007, children's, 48 pages, 10/10

The nights were growing longer.  The winds blew colder.  It was a time of changing seasons.  "Have you gathered your nuts yet, Spotty?" the chipmunk asked the fawn as he scurried through the woods burying nuts here and there.  "I heard it from the rabbit, who heard it from the owl ... winter's coming early this year, you better get ready!"  But was he ready?  Was he paying attention to his heartsong?  Wonderful photos for animal lovers, old folks as well as children.

Here's what I have posted this week:
  1. For Book Beginnings on Friday, I wrote about a book of fiction that takes place in St. Louis, HERE.  You can see the Gateway Arch of the book's cover (on the right), as a character runs up the steps from the Mississippi River.
  2. I mused HERE about the history of a local cemetery and the book I got from the library about it.
  3. I wrote about TWO library books on TWOsday, HERE.
  4. We had World Logic Day on the 14th, HERE.
  5. I wrote about our piles of snow HERE, after we got almost 11-inches of the white stuff.  Then I mentioned signing off to attend a Resident Council meeting.  Fun footnote (at least for me):  We each got a ticket stub on entering, with a drawing held at the end of the meeting.  I was a winner!  I won a box of goodies, including bags of edible stuff like snickerdoodle cookies and caramel popcorn.
Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


Vicki said...

Your books are new to me. I hope you enjoy both of them. Have a great week!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

It is funny how much I love winning, even when I win things I don't really want! Congratulations on your prize.

First Snow in the Winter has a beautiful cover.