Monday, July 15, 2024

Musing about how things changed over 45 years

1978: Long hair                                  2023: Longing for hair
1978: 8-tracks                                     2023: Cataracts
1978: Acid rock                                  2023: Acid reflux
1978: Seeds and stems                       2023: Fibre
1978: Staying Alive, the song            2023: Staying alive, the goal
1978: Going to a new, hip joint          2023: Getting a new hip joint
1978: Rolling Stones                          2023: Kidney stones
1978: Bell bottoms                             2023: Big bottoms
1978: Disco                                        2023: Costco
1978: Whatever                                  2023: Depends
1978: Rock and roll all night              2023: Sleep through the night
1978: Think you know everything     2023: Think you know your name

1 comment:

Helen's Book Blog said...

This is really funny (and frighteningly true).