Friday, July 26, 2024

Beginning ~ with a parable


On a cool October day in the oak-forested hills of Lorena Province in Iran, a lost child was saved in an inconceivable way.  The news of it came to me as a parable that I keep turning over in my mind, a message from some gentler universe than this one.

Small Wonder ~ by Barbara Kingsolver, 2002, literary essays, xvi + 269 pages

In twenty-two articulate essays, Barbara Kingsolver raises her voice in praise of nature, family, literature, and the joys of everyday life while examining the genesis of war, violence, and poverty in our world.  This collection of essays that begins with a parable gleaned from recent news:  villagers search for a missing infant boy and find him, unharmed, in the cave of a dangerous bear that has mothered him like one of her own.  Clearly, our understanding of evil needs to be revised.  What we fear most can save us.

In "Setting Free the Crabs," she uses her daughter's decision not to take home a beautiful (and occupied) red conch shell from a Mexican beach to illustrate our own need to give up our sense of ownership of the earth, to resist "the hunger to possess all things bright and beautiful."

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