Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Two books for TWOsday

The Hungry Clothes and Other Jewish Folktales ~ retold by Peninnah Schram, illustrated by Gianni De Conno, 2008, stories, 96 pages
The stories we hear in childhood — usually from parents and grandparents, teachers and caregivers — teach us the values, faith, culture, and traditions of those we love most.  They nourish our sense of wonder and curiosity about the world.  This book, filled with a cast of unforgettable characters, will bring a little magic into a child’s world.
At Her Age
~ by Marian Novick, 1985, literary fiction (Florida and New York), 258 pages

At 75, Molly Vorobey still has enough vim and vigor left over from days gone by to know that life at a senior citizens' complex in Florida isn't all it's cracked up to be.  Learning hhow to make a bird feeder from a Clorox bottle will never be the highpoint of her day.

Mulling over past and present disappointments — a faithless husband and married noncommittal lover; a detached daughter and absent grandchildren — she resolves to go for the gusto while she still can, and so wends her way to New York City in search of things exciting and new.  There are hotels, restaurants and shope galore at the Big Apple.  And plenty of disappointments, too.

So she escapes the boring life of a Florida senior citizens' home and travels to New York.  After a mugging leaves her penniless, she moves into her grandson's Columbia University dorm.

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