Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday Thoughts ~ and Book Beginnings

Someone made a snarky remark about what I'd just said, and I've been thinking about it for a day or so.  I remembered that my mother told me — repeatedly — "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."  So I've probably already said too much and should just shut up.  On the other hand, maybe I ought to go read this library book that I've checked out.
People Can't Drive You Crazy If You Don't Give Them the Keys ~ by Dr. Mike Bechtle, 2012, psychology, 208 pages

Strange as it may seem, other people are not nearly as committed to our happiness as we are.  In fact, sometimes they seem like they're on a mission to make us miserable!  There's always that one person, the one who hijacks your emotions and makes you crazy, the one who seems to thrive on drama.  If you could just "fix" that person, everything would be better.  But we can't fix other people — we can only make choices about ourselves.

In this cut-to-the-chase book, communication expert Mike Bechtle shows readers that they don't have to be victims of other people's craziness.  With commonsense wisdom and practical advice that can be implemented immediately, Bechtle gives readers a proven strategy to handle crazy people.  More than just offering a set of techniques, Bechtle offers a new perspective that will change readers' lives as they deal with those difficult people who just won't go away.

Book beginnings

Someone said that if you took all the crazy people in your life and laid them end to end ... it would be best to just leave them there (p. 9).

Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts Book Beginnings on Fridays.


Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I agree. Other people are definitely not as commited to our happiness as we are. Ha!

Lauren Stoolfire said...

I feel that! 😁

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Let's see if this is helpful for all of us trying to deal with all the annoying and rude and irritating folks out there. I'm hopeful.