Saturday, December 4, 2010

Caturday ~ nap time

Sorry, folks, but I'm too busy
today to write a Caturday post.
I'm, uh. getting my beauty rest.

Kiki Cat, signing off


Bookfool said...

Awww! So pretty!

Anonymous said...

I know, I know! I'm a beautiful cat. So nice of you to say so.


Beth said...

Awww, don't need beauty rest. You are already gorgeous!

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Kiki would probably say she's gorgeous BECAUSE she sleeps a lot.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie! What do you mean, I sleep a lot? I never sleep more than a cat's usual 16 hours a day.

Thank you, Beth. I like the sound of gorgeous. I'm a gorgeous girl. Bonnie, why don't you start saying "gorgeous girl" instead of "good girl" when I do something that pleases you?

Kiki Cat, the Gorgeous Girl, signing off

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Well, I see Kiki's been here when I wasn't looking. It must have been a hit-and-run posting of her comment because she is currently asleep on my bed with her nose between her paws.

Yes, Gorgeous Girl, you sleep a lot, compared to humans. But I love you, just the same. You know that.

By the way, Gorgeous Girl, thank you for letting me sleep mornings until I wake up. Thank you for cuddling up next to me and waiting, rather than scratching or meowing to get breakfast sooner (like 4:00 in the morning). You're a good girl. I mean, you're a gorgeous girl.