Thursday, July 12, 2007

Which book are you?

You're The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

You're obsessed with Camelot in all its forms, from Arthurian legend to the Kennedy administration. Your favorite movie from childhood was "The Sword in the Stone." But more than tales of wizardry and Cuban missiles, you've focused on women. You know that they truly hold all the power. You always wished you could meet Jackie Kennedy.

Your favorite movie from childhood was "The Sword in the Stone." Really? And I thought my favorite was Uncle Remus in "South of the South." Besides, "The Sword in the Stone" came out when my CHILDREN were little.'ve focused on women. You know that they truly hold all the power. Well, yes, I focused on women's rights in the 1970s, but mainly because I knew we had been powerless for too many years.

You always wished you could meet Jackie Kennedy. Well, not ALWAYS, but I think I would have liked her when she was working in the book trade.

You're Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

Bright, chipper, vivid, but with the emotional fortitude of cottage cheese, you make quite an impression on everyone you meet. You're impulsive, rash, honest, and probably don't have a great relationship with your parents. People hurt your feelings constantly, but your brazen honestly doesn't exactly treat others with kid gloves. Ultimately, though, you win the hearts and minds of everyone that matters. You spell your name with an E and you want everyone to know about it.

You spell your name with an E and you want everyone to know about it. This is about the only thing right in the Anne paragraph above; I do tell people that my name is "Bonnie," spelled with an "ie" rather than with a "y" as in "Bonny."

You're A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

Despite humble and perhaps literally small beginnings, you inspire faith in almost everyone you know. You are an agent of higher powers, and you manifest this fact in mysterious and loud ways. A sense of destiny pervades your every waking moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled. When you speak, IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS!

When you speak, IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS! Hey, I love Owen Meany, but we don't sound alike at all. People usually say I'm rather soft-spoken, unless I'm preaching!

You're The Dictionary by Merriam-Webster

You're one of those know-it-all types, with an amazing amount of knowledge at your command. People really enjoy spending time with you in very short spurts, but hanging out with you for a long time tends to bore them. When folks really need an authority to refer to, however, you're the one they seek. You're an exceptional speller and very well organized.

You're one of those know-it-all types, with an amazing amount of
knowledge at your command.
Okay, I don't mind being the dictionary. What word do you want to know?

And how did I get four different results from taking this quiz?
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the quiz.
I am Anne of Green gables. How did that I have never even read this one.
Miss you in the bookclub. You have a very interesting blog.

Anonymous said...

You're Loosely Based!
by Storey Clayton
While most people haven't heard of you, you're a really good and interesting person. Rather clever and witty, you crack a lot of jokes about the world around you. You do have a serious side, however, where your interest covers the homeless and the inequalities of society. You're good at bringing people together, but they keep asking you what your name means.

Anonymous said...

I was going to come over and tell you that I've been talking about you, but you beat me to it.

I'm The Giver by Lois Lowrey if I answer not confident and Anne of Green Gables if I answer confident. I couldn't decide because I swing on that one.

Unknown said...

Hmm, I'm so appalled by the books that I came out as that I'm going to the bottom of the garden to eat worms for the rest of the day!

Bonnie Jacobs said...

LOL, Vanilla & Atyllah. None of these was my first ... or even second ... book. I took the quiz over and over and over to come up with these, and none of them is quite ... me.