Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Foaming hand soap

This is a little out of the norm for what I've put on this blog before, but I ran across an article on How to Make Foaming Hand Soap and want to save it.  While writing this, I found another recipe for DIY Foaming Hand Soap.  This one is a video and has more ingredients than the first recipe.

Maybe I'll even get around to trying these myself.  Once, just once, I bought foaming hand soap; I liked it.  But I don't have a problem with my other soap, whether in a dispenser or a bar.

I will note that I saved the foaming soap dispenser, having seen that I could get a better deal if I simply refilled it.  Maybe I'll refill it with homemade foaming hand soap.  We shall see.

1 comment:

Helen's Book Blog said...

I always have such grand plans to make things and I never follow through. I am trying not to feel too bad about it. :-)