Thursday, April 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday ~ me and my bassoon

Did you know I used to play the bassoon?  In high school and college, I did, and here's a picture to prove it, though I wish someone had taken it out of their photo album before taking a picture of it.  I'm wearing the uniform I wore for high school orchestra, concert band, and marching band — when marching, I played a glockenspiel rather than the bassoon and wore a shako with a white plume.  (A shako is a tall hat, for you non-band folks.)  When I played in the Chattanooga Youth Symphony we wore something else entirely.

Here's my favorite bassoon music, though I never played it.  Mozart's Bassoon Concerto was played in live concert in Vicenza, Italy, with Aligi Voltan on bassoon and G.B.Rigon conducting the Orchestra del Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza in June 2004.  If the video quits responding, listen to it on YouTube (16:49).


Bonnie Jacobs said...

In a sense, my other post for today is another Throwback Thursday. It's about one of my favorite childhood books, Uncle Wiggily and His Friends.

Anonymous said...

Great photo Bonnie.