Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Two thoughts

What TIME is it?

When I woke up on Sunday morning, I learned that my iPhone had updated with the time change, but my watch had not and was an hour behind.  The clock on my kitchen stove was also an hour behind and needed to be reset.  I think we should get rid of the annoying "spring forward" and "fall backwards" changes.

The Unbreakable Brain: Shield Your Brain from Cognitive Decline ... for Life! ~ by Will Mitchell, 2015, health, 121 pages, 8/10

I wrote about this book (HERE), but I marked a lot of pages and want to save some quotes.  So here are a few things from the book that I want to continue to think about and consider:
  1. The first thing I noticed is that I stopped reading (or at least putting sticky notes) at pages 56-57.  Why there? I wondered.  It was at a section on "Regular Physical Activity" saying that "walking ... can significantly drop your chances of cognitive decline" (p.56).
  2. "Pernicious Anemia" is caused by a deficiency in Vitamin B12.
As I write this, I'm thinking of my recent habit of noting the number of steps I take each day in my daily planner.  I took over 6,000 steps on Sunday and almost 8,000 on Monday.  The reason I noticed "pernicious anemia" is because my grandmother died of pernicious anemia.  I remember my grandmother, though she died when I was little.

I definitely did not want to ever have pernicious anemia, so what's the best way to avoid it?  Grandma Reynolds hated liver.  I learned to love liver and onions, but I also like milk and eggs, which are also sources of Vitamin B12.  As I sit in the Circle@Crown CafĂ© composing this (to post just after midnight tonight), I have just eaten scrambled eggs and usually have cereal with milk every few days.  So I am doing the best I can to avoid that B12 deficiency.

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