CODICES and SCROLLS"After I Fall Down the Stairs at the Golden Temple"
from A Thousand Mornings: Poems, 2012
by Mary Oliver
For a while I could not remember some word I was in need of,
and I was bereaved and said:
where are you, beloved friend
This morning, I'll be sharing some of my books with my Sunday school class, which is studying early Christianity. We are working our way through the book Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity, by James D. Tabor (2012), which discusses the biblical books of James and Jude — who were brothers of Jesus — as well as the Nag Hammadi texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Q source (from the German word Quelle, meaning "source").
PAPYRUS CODICES (bound books, not scrolls) were found in 1945, buried near the city of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt. The Nag Hammadi texts, often referred to as gnostic texts, include the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary (Magdalene).
The Nag Hammadi Scriptures ~ edited by Marvin Meyer, 2007SCROLLS were found in 1947 in caves near Qumran by the Dead Sea in what is now Israel. They were rolled up inside earthen jars, like the one below.
The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version ~ ed. by Robert J. Miller, 1994
The Gnostic Gospels ~ by Elaine Pagels, 1979
Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas ~ by Elaine Pagels, 2003
The Gospel of Thomas: Unearthing the Lost Words of Jesus ~ by John Dart and Ray Riegert, 2000
The Gospel of Thomas ~ translated by Jean-Yves Leloup, 2002
The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle ~ by Karen L. King, 2003
The Gospels of Mary: The Secret Tradition of Mary Magdalene, the Companion of Jesus ~ by Marvin Meyer, 2004
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene ~ by Jean-Yves Leloup, 1997 (English translation, 2002)
The Gospel of the Beloved Disciple ~ by James P. Carse, 1997
Mary Magdalene, the First Apostle: The Struggle for Authority ~ by Ann Graham Brock, 2003
The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus: The Definitive Collection of Mystical Gospels and Secret Books about Jesus of Nazareth ~ by Marvin Meyer, 2005
The Other Gospels: Non-Canonical Gospel Texts ~ edited by Ron Cameron, 1982
The Dead Sea Scrolls ~ by Millar Burrows, 1955Q (from QUELLE, meaning "source")
Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls ~ by Harvey Minkoff, 1998
The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins ~ by Burton L. Mack, 1993Bloggers get together in the Sunday Salon — at separate computers in different time zones — to talk about reading.