When she recalls that period of her life, she likens it to a piece of the hard candy she'd often enjoyed as a child. Round, colorful, tangy, sweet on the outside, and bitter at the center.
Loving Donovan: A Novel in Three Stories ~ by Bernice L. McFadden, 2003, fiction, 227 pages
Three stories? Yeah, called Her, Him, and Them. That let me know that this is a love story of some kind. Campbell and Donovan live in the same neighbor-hood, but they don't know each other.
- Her is Campbell, who clings to her ideals about love despite the unhappy example set by her parents.
- Him is Donovan, who dreams of having a family and playing for the NBA in the face of difficult personal challenges.
The book is from her point of view, so the beginning I shared above is hers.
Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts