Sunday, December 29, 2024

Books at the end of the year

When one YEAR ends, another one begins.  So are we ready to read, write, and blog about books?  This year has apparently been a slow reading year for me, apparently.  Maybe I just haven't finished the many books I have started.  So I decided that my New Year's resolution is to finish what I start.  Just do it!

As I look around at my stacks of books and my boxes of books in every room of my apartment, I think I see the problem.  I've gotta find a place to put all these books.  I have only one library book checked out of University City's library at the moment  a children's book which I've already read and will return in its delivery bag to the library.  Here's my review of it:

Yaks Yak: Animal Word Pairs ~ by Linda Sue Park, 2016, children's, 40 pages, 10/10

Yaks Yak presents animals acting out the verbs made from their names.  Illustrations show hogs hogging, slugs slugging, and other spirited creatures demonstrating homographs, words with different meanings that are spelled and pronounced the same.  A chart listing the words, their meanings, and their history is included at the end of the book. This book offers an introduction to wordplay.

Today Matters:  12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow's Success
 ~ by John C. Maxwell, 2004, motivation, 336 pages

The author offers a dozen things to achieve success.  I wrote about this book on Friday HERE, if you want to know more about it.  (Okay, so this is another library book, but it's from the little library here where I live, and I checked it out just befrore writing about it on Friday.  That means I'm still a long way from the end right now.)
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
hosts The Sunday Salon.


Helen's Book Blog said...

I thought Yaks Yak was a really fun book! Happy New Year, Bonnie!

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I have read a book by John Maxwell back during my teaching days. I think he figures stuff out that works. Happy New Year!

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

Have a good week of reading, and a happy new year!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Good luck in your resolve to finish the books you have started! That's an excellent resolve, Bonnie.