Sunday, December 15, 2024

A gratitude journal and exercising

Hmm, this is only the fourth time this year I've posted anything about Action for Happiness, which I used to do every month.  But I've been reading each day's suggestions on my iPhone.  They don't match up with what shows up for that day on the monthly calendar.  There are several notices each day, and people make comments on each of them almost immediately.  Recently, they sent us this:
It's easy to take the good things in life for granted, but research suggests that the more we stop to appreciate what we have, the happier and healthier we are.
Within a minute or two, the very first person to comment said "keeping a daily gratitude journal has improved my life!"  So I told myself I should start keeping track of the things in life that I'm grateful for.  Is it enough to note it mentally, or should I write it in a notebook?  Do any of you keep a gratitude journal?

5-Minute Core Exercises for Seniors: Daily Routines to Build Balance and Boost Confidence ~ by Cindy Brehse and Tami Brehse Dzenitis, 2021, exercise and fitness, 158 pages

This book will help by strengthening your core and boosting your confidence.  Having a strong core can improve mobility, reduce aches and pains, prevent falls, and build everyday confidence.  This book has a collection of 40 individual movements and 25 quick routines for strengthening the major core muscles.

This guide to exercise helps seniors:
  • Learn the muscle groups that make up your core, the benefits of keeping them strong, the importance of breathing and stretching, and the latest science behind exercise for seniors.
  • Discover a range of seated, standing, on-the-mat, and weighted exercises that mimic everyday movement and don't require any special equipment.
  • Find how-tos and illustrations for engaging the right muscles and preventing injury, as well as tips to increase or decrease the intensity of each movement to meet your needs.
  • Improve strength, balance, and confidence with this detailed introduction to core exercise for seniors.
This book just arrived on Friday, so I'm learning (and remembering from past classes I've taken) these movements for old folks like me.  The pictures help me see how to stand, sit, and move my arms and legs.  So far, so good.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
hosts The Sunday Salon.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I write down or take a photo of at least three small things I'm grateful for every day. It helps me to write it down or take a photo of it, and to then look over it. It makes me feel happy every time I look at it.

My sister is always reminding me that I need core work at my age.

Jinjer-The Intrepid Angeleno said...

I read somewhere that writing the gratitude down in a journal has more of an impact than just thinking it in your head. BUT, I also found this article that says journaling too much or too often can also be counter-productive because you might be in denial about something.

I say do whatever works for you.

Becki said...

I keep signing up for things like this (and I was getting the Happiness emails too), but then I find myself too busy to actually read them! LOL Thanks for sharing ;)

Helen's Book Blog said...

I've started doing squats and balancing while I brush my teeth and get ready in the morning. I figure it can't hurt.

I don't do gratitude enough. For a few years I did keep a journal and I think it was a good thing.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I need 5-minute Core Exercises for seniors, too. I will look for it. This is the type of book one must own mot borrow from the library.

Marg said...

I should be more active! Thanks for sharing those tips!

Have a great week.