Saturday, November 30, 2024


I haven't had a Caturday post in awhile, so here's something about cats to (maybe) make you laugh.  Have you ever experienced a CAT catastrophe, something catastrophic caused by a cat?  Please share it in a comment with the rest of us.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Our mama cat thought it was a CAT-astrophe....We came home from a ten-day vacation to hear an incessant CAT-erwauling in our attic only to discover that our cat had kittens (we didn't even realize she was old enough to do so---lesson learned) in the attic. One of the kittens was enormous and got stuck between the wooden beams there. The mama was crying for help. We rescued him, and he joined our family. This might be a new CAT-egory of CAT-astrophes.

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

My childhood cat was actually quite well behaved but she she drove my mum mad because she would open the screen door to let herself out or in but never close it ;)