Mark it on your calendar: January 10, 2008, is a day to read. This reading challenge, conceived by
Soccer Mom in Denial, should be easy for anyone who is a reader. According to Diane Gioia, the Chair of the NEA,
"The poorest Americans who read did twice as much volunteering and charity work as the richest who did not read. The habit of regular reading awakens something inside a person that makes him or her take their own life more seriously and at the same time develops the sense that other people's lives are real."
What a thought! Reading makes us aware of the humanity of others. That is awesome! So let's read on January 10th and, on the following day, blog about what we read. Read anything you like -- a book, an article, the newspaper -- then tell us about it.
Thanks so much Bonnie! And your site - dedicated to books! I will definitely be back.
I can guarantee I'll be reading January 10th. In fact, I can almost guarantee I read every January 10th since I learned to read! ;)
Cool idea - would love to play along - but someone will have to remind me!
Wow, that quote is thought-provoking. Reading has certainly opened my mind and heart and given me a window into the lives of people living a far different life from mine.
I certainly know without a doubt I shall be reading on January 10. It's as natural as breathing to me.
Hey, Bonnie, have you recovered from the nano yet? Hope all is well with you.
You have been tagged with: "Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends." Pick up your instructions here.
Have fun! Merry Christmas!
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