Thursday, August 15, 2013

BTT (#38) ~ Neither a borrower…

Today's prompt from Booking Through Thursday:
"I’ve asked before how you feel about lending your books.  I’ve asked how you feel about libraries.  But how do you feel about borrowing books from friends?  Is this something you like to do?  Does it make you feel uncomfortable or rushed while reading?  Does it affect how you feel about the book you’re reading, pressured into liking it?"
Yes, I do feel pressured to finish within a reasonable time and have been known to return a book unread when I know I can't finish it anytime soon.  I don't usually read books to "like" them, but to discuss them and the ideas in them.  So I feel no compunction about giving my honest opinion.


Allie @ Little Birdie Books said...

I always feel like people expect me to finish reading a book they've lent me within a day or two. It's pretty unrealistic considering how many of my OWN books I've still yet to read!

Anonymous said...

I don't like borrowing a book and being pressured to read it at a certain time.I agree.

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Ginnie @ Goldendaze-Ginnie said... (on another post)

"I am leary about loaning books. I prefer to share what I like and let them get their own. The books that I really love are like fine possessions and I feel comfort with them near."

Anonymous said...

I rarely borrow books but I am willing to share mine with no promise to the person to finish in any timetable. And they can pass it on to others as well.