Tuesday, February 4, 2025

My mistake

Yesterday, I waited in the Café for a friend who never came.  When I called, it went to voicemail.  When she called me back later, I found out the reason she didn't show up is that we weren't supposed to meet until TODAY.  If I'd texted her instead of trying to call, I would have seen my error as plain as day in our previous text.  February 4th isn't until today.  So I'll go to the Café again and try not to forget the right time.  Getting old ain't for sissies, but feeling stupid is not what I expected in my old age.

Part Two:  We met, we ate, we talked.  I stayed after she left, and decided to finish this blog post for TWOsday.  In a few minutes, I'll go to the Art Studio for something new:  Coloring Club.  I remember a group used to meet and color together, but that was long ago.  I was not part of that group, and I have decided to explore the possibilities this time.  I'll let you know.

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