Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Our English idioms and words don't always make sense, if you didn't grow up hearing them.  Does anyone really think buttons are cute?  Here are a few more idioms:
  • "A piece of cake" means that something is easy.  For example, "That test was a piece of cake."
  • "Under the weather" means to not feel well.  For example, "He's under the weather and can't go to work today."
  • "It costs an arm and a leg" means that something is expensive.  For example, "That new toy costs an arm and a leg." 
  • "Break a leg" means you are wishing someone good luck.  For example, "Break a leg, friend.  I'm sure you'll do great." 
  • "To beat around the bush" means you're trying to avoid a difficult conversation.  For example, "Quit beating around the bush and just tell me."
  • "Once in a blue moon" means something doesn't happen often.  For example, "I only call my family once in a blue moon." 
  • To "spill the beans" means to accidentally tell a secret.  For example, "She accidentally spilled the beans about Jim's surprise party."
  • To say "the ball is in your court" means it's your turn to make a move.
Can you explain any of these idioms (or share an example or two)?

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