Friday, March 24, 2023

Beginning ~ with Bill lighting his pipe

Bill Duncan settled back in his chair and lit his pipe.  I said nothing but waited for him to speak for I knew that the usually taciturn Irishman was going to tell me something worth hearing.
Lost Laysen ~ by Margaret Mitchell, edited by Debra Freer, 1996, novella (South Pacific), 128 pages

Until recently, the world thought Margaret Mitchell had only one story to tell:  Gone With the Wind.  Now meet a heroine to match Scarlett:  Courtenay Ross, a feisty, independent-minded woman, and the two men — one a cool-headed, well-heeled gentleman, the other a hot-blooded, pugnacious sailor — who adore her.

Equally intriguing is the story behind the story — the real-life romance that inspired Mitchell:  how she gave the original manuscript as a gift to her beau, Henry Love Angel, and how the manuscript, along with Mitchell's intimate letters and treasured photographs, were lovingly safeguarded only to be discovered decades later in a shoebox.

I can add that this is one of the books that Risé recommended to me.  So I got it from the Crown Center Library and am about to read this short book.

Gilion at Rose City Reader hosts
Book Beginnings on Fridays.


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I had no idea that Margaret Mitchell had written anything other than GWTW.

Bonnie Jacobs said...

She wrote Lost Laysen when she was only 15 years old.

Cindy said...

Wow, I am with Deb, I didn't know this was out there. I will be curious to hear your thoughts. Have a great weekend!