Thursday, April 6, 2023

Thursday Thoughts

What kind of beans do NOT grow in a garden?  Jelly beans!

Maybe I should stop thinking about jelly beans!
No, no, no!  I'm thinking about WORDS, so I'm a WORDSMITH.
I'm also a BOOKIE of sorts, as you can see here:

. . . Ha, I realized that I was singing the alphabet song as I typed.  I read this on Buzzfeed:  "Cassettes had side A and side B, therefore it was kind of logical that its successor would be the CD."
Café Conversations ~ I placed my order and put a tented sign on a table announcing "Café Conversations."  Some of my friends actually came over to see what was going on.  Maybe I started a new thing, but how often to meet?  Weekly or monthly or bi-weekly or what?


Helen's Book Blog said...

When I was visiting my cousins this summer, we came upon a "chat bench" in a cute village. It said Chat Bench: Sit here to show you'd like to chat with someone. I like that idea.

Bonnie Jacobs said...

So maybe I should just put out my Café Conversations sign whenever I want to chat about something, huh?