Sunday, January 1, 2023

A new year, a new occupation?

I've been thinking about opening a booth like Lucy's.  Should I?
I mean, lots of folks need psychiatric help, don't they?
It's a way I could earn a few extra nickels in my retirement.
What's that you say?  Nickels aren't worth what they were back in my day?
Maybe I should re-think this.  What if somebody pitched a hissy fit?

Words of the Day

*his·sy /ˈhisē / noun: hissy fit = an angry outburst or tantrum.
*tan·trum /ˈtantrəm / noun = an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration, typically in a young child.
Example:  "Linus pitched a hissy fit and left when he didn't like what Lucy said."
Nah, I think I'd rather remain a book blogger than deal with people's hissy fits.

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