Books read by year

Monday, September 13, 2021

Scavenger hunt

I think I'll do this today.  Do you want to join me?  I've already done it a couple of times on this blog, but it's probably something that would be good to do frequently:
  • In 2019:  Gratitude #1 = I found a book (yes, you know books make me happy).  Gratitude #2 = I found a book, actually, the same book, which I gave to my BFF Donna to make her smile.  I never finished the list.
  • In 2020:  The first four answers I gave were all about books, so I'll try not to repeat it this time.
So now it's 2021, and here are my new answers:

1.  Something that makes me happy . . . Clawia, usually, except when she doesn't.  Here's a favorite photo of her from 2017.

2.  Something to give a friend to make her smile . . . all I can think of, as evening approaches, is sending this honey apple cake eCard to ten of my Crown Center neighbors.

3.  One thing that I love to smell . . . new books.  So I opened one of my library books and sniffed.  Yep!  There it was, the papery smell of a 2021 book.

4.  One thing I enjoy looking at. . . . the view from my window.  Now I'm looking at the neighborhood from six floors up, but here's a view from my window in 2009.
5.  Something that's my favorite color . . . I found a bright green folder on my bookshelf that was full of coloring pages I had printed out.  One was a copy of what I'd given my friend Evelyn in the summer of 2016, which said, "Happy Birthday, Evelyn!  Here are two pages of flowers (and elephants and cats) for you to color."  Evelyn died in 2019, or I could give it to her again to make her smile (as in #2).  She collected elephants.

6.  Something I'm thankful for in nature . . .  the birds.  A bird landed on our windowsill the other day, but flew off rapidly when Clawdia lunged at it.  The bird must have been able to see her through the glass as she suddenly got near.  Donna's cat Sammy once had a bird friend who would come to their window day after day, and bird and cat would chat.

7.  Something I can use to make a gift for a friend . . . my knowledge of music.  Debbie and Gail want me to teach them to play the piano.  I can get them started, using beginners books.

8.  Something that is useful for me . . . and the first thing that sprang to mind was my "screens":  the laptop I'm using to type this, the iPhone beside me, and the Kindle over there beside my easy chair.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful way to count your blessings. And that's something that never fails to delight me.


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