I haven't figured out all of these yet, so let's do it together. Do what you can on your own before continuing, because I'm going to list possible answers at the bottom of this post.
To Barbara on her birthday
To Barbara on her birthday
I miss you, Barbara, and the fun times we had together. I still think of things I want to tell you, ask you, share with you. I'm so glad we met.
Listen to the song "Bind Us Together with Love" on YouTube by clicking here.
The Lost Stetl by Max Gross (2020), historical fiction about Poland, is taking me longer than I expected because I have to look up the many, many Yiddish words in it. I wanted to read Jürgen Moltmann's 1979 Experiences of God next, but I can't find wherever I put it down. (Yes, I'm getting old.) So instead, I may read his brand-new 2021 book Resurrected to Eternal Life: On Dying and Rising, which was published today and was automatically downloaded onto my Kindle today — publication day! Click on the titles to read about these books.
Don't peek at my answers before trying to solve the puzzle at the top
1 = Sandbox, 2 = Man overboard, 3 = I understand, 4 = Reading between the lines, 5 = Long underwear, 6 = Crossroads, 7 = Downtown, 8 = Tricycle (three wheels/cycles?), 9 = Split-level, 10 = Three degrees below zero, 11 = Neon lights, 12 = Circles under the eyes, 13 = Highchair, 14 = Paradise (pair of dice?), 15 = Touchdown, 16 = Five feet underground, 17 = Mind over matter, 18 = He's beside himself, 19 = Backwards glance, 20 = Life after death, 21 = G.I. overseas (?), 22 = Space program (?), 23 = See-through blouse, 24 = Just between you and me.
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