Books read by year

Thursday, February 21, 2013

BTT (#30) ~ libraries

The Northgate branch of my library, about a mile from my current home.
Deb @ Booking Through Thursday asks:
"How often do you visit a library?  Do you go to borrow books?  Do research?  Check out the multi-media center?  Hang out with the friendly and knowledgeable staff?  Are you there out of love or out of need?"
I visit often enough that the library staff knows me -- at several branches of the library.  When I have something to say about books from the library, I take part in Library Loot, a weekly event co-hosted by Claire @ The Captive Reader and Marg @ The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages us to share titles of books we’ve checked out of the library.  Read my most recent Library Loot post, about a book I rated 10 of 10.

Volunteering at the South Chattanooga branch in 2010.
Yes, of course I borrow books, mostly picking up those I've put on hold by going online when I learn about something I want to read.  Back when I was in college and then doing post-graduate work, I went there for research more often than now, since I can find nearly everything I want online these days.  Once I figure out what I need, I reserve the book(s).  I talk with library staff, sometimes recommending books they should acquire, like these I wrote about recently.  Talking can lead to even more involvement.  When I lived a mile or so from the South Chattanooga branch, Greg (in the background) asked me to help out as a volunteer.  And I did.  How often do you visit your library?

UPDATE (2-25-2014):  I can't believe I failed to mention that, while I was getting my undergraduate degree, I worked full-time as an assistant librarian in a high school library (at Baylor, which was then a private boys' school and is now coed).  I guess I should forgive myself for not thinking of it, since 1974-1975 was forty years ago.


  1. I fondly remember the days when I practically lived in the library. The library was always the first thing I wanted to find when I moved to a new town.

    I still recall (with great fondness) the tiny village library I used as a child.

    Here's MY BTT POST

  2. Looks like a nice library to spend some time in.

  3. I visit the library as often as possible! You are fortunate to live so close, Bonnie. At our library, I often end up buying more books than I check out, as they always have donated or discarded books for sale in the lobby for 50 cents a piece.

  4. I realize that by working in a school library I hardly ever visit my local public library. In the summer Sophia and I go once or twice, usually to get audio books for a road trip. I always like the feel of the public library though

  5. You seem incredibly involved with your library, good for you. I don't borrow much but I do love supporting it and visiting. I purchase books regular from their friends of the library sales


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