Books read by year

Friday, February 22, 2013

Recycle in Peace

Once you might have been buried under a tree.  Now you can BE the tree.  How would you like to grow into a tree after you die?  This is a Bios Urn, a completely biodegradable urn that contains a single tree seed.  When planted, the tree seed is nourished by and absorbs the nutrients from the ashes.  The urn itself is made from coconut shell and contains compacted peat and cellulose.  The ashes are mixed with this, and the seed placed inside.  Because ashes are a good source of phosphorus, cremated remains serve as good fertilization for trees.  You can even choose which type of tree you'd like to grow!  So which would you prefer — leaving behind a tree or a tombstone?

(Cross-posted on my Greening the Blue Planet blog.)


  1. Seems like a great idea. Unfortunately, I already bought my plot and my plain pine box without nails and biodegradable. It's the cement around it that I am not thrilled about. The cemetery is building a new cement free area but too late for me. :)

  2. I really like this idea! How great to really be "ashes to ashes"

  3. My father is having a tool crafted by a metallurgist. It will be a tube with a hammer at one and and a crowbar at the other.The tube will be filled with a 1/4 of his ashes.He is having four made - one for each of his children. He wants the tool to be called "ole George".

  4. Susan shared this information on her blog and on Facebook. I love it! I'm glad she got excited about it. You readers may want to read Susan's thoughts:


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