Jan @ RevGalBlogPals brings us today's subject. She said, "Blogging at Google's Blogger, I recently was boondoggled by the new designs of the site, which includes my blog. I felt like I had lost track of all the blogs I daily check so that I asked for help both at my blog and on Facebook! Still trying to learn these new ways of blogging, I am turning our minds to blogging for this Friday Five."
1. When did you start blogging? What/who prompted you?
My first post appeared January 30, 2007. Two book buddies inspired me and invited me to try blogging myself, and both of them commented on my first post.2. How often do you post? How often do you visit blogging friends and/or other blogs?
Stephanie @ Confessions of a Book-a-holic — Click to read her list of excellent children's and YA books.
Marg @ The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader — Click to read one of her posts about book blogging.
Until recently, I usually posted every day and sometimes more than that. Lately, I've been studying my books (as opposed to merely reading through them), and only some of my notes end up on my blog. On the other hand, I have several blogs so I don't "inflict" all of my interests on any one group of folks. I usually read (or at least glance over) whatever has been newly posted by the blogs listed on my sidebar as "Blogs I read" every day.3. Why do you keep on blogging?
Under my profile picture on the sidebar, I say, "I read to explore ideas." Reading and writing and discussing things is the way I learn and keep up with what interests me. Blogging is my venue.4. What do you like to write about?
Whatever I'm reading — or studying. I like to share what I'm learning. Over the weekend, I attended a seminar by Diana Butler Bass, so I'll be writing more about her ideas in the near future.5. Have your blogging habits changed — or are they changing?
Recently, I have been more focused on books about an alternative or emerging Christianity that focuses on greater spiritual depth and actively meeting the needs of people. That's why I've been doing more in-depth studying. One really good book was Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What Saves Us (2001), which was written by Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker. I wrote a bit about Rita's story and Rebecca's story.
I love (and maybe envy a tad) that you're such a reader... thanks for playing!
Bonnie, I always appreciate your book recommendations. I am also interested in emerging or alternative Christianity. Thanks for the links about book blogging. I've been remiss about reporting on the books I've read since and during the summer. The Wisdom Class discussions are so interesting about "Living Buddha, Living Christ"; I'm glad you got me to read that!
Belated thanks for the shout-out Bonnie!
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