Books read by year

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Quotes to ponder

Quote #1

Oliver Sacks wrote that he had "the hope that some of my books may still 'speak' to people after my death" (p. 8 of his book Gratitude, 2015).  You and I are still speaking, Oliver.  He was almost 80 when he wrote that in 2013, and I'll be 84 in April.  I can relate, wondering if my blog will still speak for me when I'm gone.

Quote #2

"There's a difference between determination and stubbornness, Dora.  Determination keeps you focused.  Stubbornness, in contrast, blinds you" (from pp. 65-66 of Ellie Midwood's The Undercover Secretary, 2023).

Word of the Day #1
de·ter·mi·na·tion / dəˌtərməˈnāSH(ə)n / noun = firmness of purpose; resoluteness.  Example:  "The woman set to work on the problem with total determination."
Word of the Day #2
stub·born·ness /ˈstəbər(n)nəs / noun = dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something.  Example:  "His error was sheer stubbornness in refusing to admit a mistake." 

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