Books read by year

Thursday, January 2, 2020

TWO things on day TWO of the new year

Dora playing while Nadezhda sang yesterday
January 1 ~ Find three good things to look forward to this year.
  1. Books lined up to read, especially those of my own that I can read and pass on to others.  I've started reading Paws for a Moment With God: Devotions Best Enjoyed in the Company of a Cat and picked up the copy of Birds of a Feather, second in the Maisie Dobbs mystery series.  Both were on yesterday's list of books that I want to read this year.
  2. Practicing the piano again, as Dora does regularly.  Dora invited me to join her and Nadezhda around the piano.  Erin, Sandy Richter's daughter-in-law, heard the piano and joined us.  She's the one who took this photo.
  3. Exercising downstairs with my friends.  It helps me to stay flexible and strong, or as strong as I can be at almost 80 (in April).
January 2 ~ Make time today to do something kind for yourself.
The kind thing I did for myself today was going for a long lunch at Chili's with my friend Tiny and her daughter Lauree, as you can see in this picture of Tiny and me that Lauree took.  I had a very enjoyable afternoon.


  1. What a wonderful, uplifting post! So nice to recognize the good things in your life and make the time to for yourself :) I certainly need to do more of that!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment. Please let me know when you post your own review of Making Toast - I think you will like it!


    Book By Book

  2. I love this post so much! What three things am I looking forward to, I wonder? birthday on 1/31, the return of all my favorite shows, reading ALL the books.

  3. Thanks for sharing your three "three good things to look forward to this year." I had created a link for those who are interested in what the calendar says about the other days of this month. (In other words, you can click on "January 1" to get THIS link:

    I've been posting each month's new calendar from the Action for Happiness folks, and I try to notice the various things we can do, even if I don't actually DO them on the days they suggest. Obviously, you enjoyed doing the suggestion for January 1st on the 9th day, right? So find another thing or two from that calendar and ENJOY.


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